Privacy Policy

Last updated: 12 July 2024

Hudson Gavin Martin is committed to ensuring your information, including personal information, is protected.

This privacy policy sets out how we will collect and use your personal information, who we may disclose it to, and how you can correct or change it.

"Personal information" means any information about an identifiable individual and may include names, addresses, contact details, communications with us (for example emails), and notes we make of our interactions with you.

When we refer to "services" in this privacy policy, we mean the legal and advisory services we provide to you (and other clients) under our terms of engagement.

How do we collect your personal information?

We collect personal information in several ways:

(a) As part of providing services to you, or through our other business dealings or interactions with you.

(b) When you share information with us for other reasons, for example when using our website, attending our events or joining our mailing lists.

(c) Where you work with us and provide us with your information, for example as a supplier or collaborator.

(d) We may need to collect personal information about you from third parties and publicly available sources, for example if we need to verify your identity or assess your credit, or when providing services to you.

(e) We may also collect your IP address and other information relating to your interactions with our website and systems.

How will we use your personal information?

We may use your personal information in the following ways:

(a) Providing services to you.

(b) Enabling us to work with you, including resolving any issues which may arise.

(c) Meeting our legal obligations.

(d) Improving our service or product offerings, or our relationship with you, for example, advising of changes to our business and services, inviting you to events or providing information about issues which may be relevant to you.

(e) Any other purposes related to those outlined above, including any identity (for example anti-money laundering) or credit checks, or as set out in our terms of engagement.

(f) Where you specifically authorise that use.

If you don’t want to hear from us, you can ask us to stop using your information to contact you, for example, by unsubscribing from our mailing list.

If you don’t provide us with personal information when requested, or you ask us to stop using your personal information, this may prevent or hinder us from providing our services or otherwise engaging with you.

How will we manage and share your information?

We have implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures to keep your personal information secure. As no transmission or storage of your information (including over the internet or otherwise) can be completely secure, we cannot guarantee the security of any information we collect from you.

We may store your personal information at our offices, or with our service providers and in online environments and platforms when providing services to you. Not all of those providers or environments are in New Zealand. Your personal information may be transferred, hosted and/or processed outside of New Zealand and we will comply with our legal obligations relating to any international transfers of personal information.

We may share personal information:

(a) To the extent reasonably necessary to provide services to you, for example with lawyers we work with, or as part of legal proceedings.

(b) Where we engage third party service providers, to the extent reasonably necessary for them to provide services to us. For example, we may use third parties to provide hosting, maintenance, practice and document management, identity verification, technology infrastructure, payment processing, marketing and other services for us, which may require them to access personal information. We will take reasonable steps to ensure the processing of your personal information is subject to adequate safeguards.

(c) When specifically authorised by you (or your authorised representative).

(d) As required by law, including the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (Rules).

We have obligations under Chapter 8 of the Rules to treat your information as confidential, and we will receive and treat your information in accordance with those obligations.

Access to and correction of your personal information

By law, you may be entitled to request access to, and correction of, any of your personal information.

You are also entitled to access your information under Chapter 7 of the Rules.

If you want to make an information request, please get in touch here.

Updating this policy

We may update our privacy policy from time to time and will post the date we have last updated it. Any updated policy will apply from the time we publish it on our website (or otherwise let you know in writing) and will apply to all personal information we already hold.

Links to other sites

Our website and other materials may contain links to third party sites and applications. Some of these may request information from you or otherwise collect information from you. We have no control over the content or privacy practices of those sites and recommend you check any relevant privacy policies before providing your personal information to any third party.

Privacy Act

We will comply with our obligations under New Zealand’s Privacy Act 2020 (Privacy Act).

For information about the Privacy Act and how it can protect your personal information please visit

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